Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken is a Good Book showcased in the Outpost 10F Library.
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Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Rating: Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken is a Good Book rated 4/5 by this reviewer.
Published: 2003
Author: Al Franken
Review by: CL3 The Green Knight

Ever wonder about how the left feels about the right telling "lies" to sway the public's views towards them, or vice versa? In this book, Al Franken takes a look at just that, lies, specifically those from Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, while backing up his blunt statement of lie with facts and figures that he and a group of student researchers found supporting his point of view.

He starts off his book by basically making fun of Ann Coulter's rather extreme right-wing books and discussing how practically none of her statements are backed up by any research. It goes on throughout the book, so, if you like Al Franken, or at least can appreciate his sense of humor, than I recommend this book to you.

The book itself is quite amusing, and Al Franken pokes some fun at himself, while staying on topic throughout the chapters. He definitely has a problem with people on the right not getting their facts straight, and making sure to give the public the "right" information so that the public can, to quote the Oracle in "the Matrix", "Make up [their] your own damn mind." Through some rather clever jokes and wit, Mr. Franken makes this a rather enjoyable read, and, I have to say, I agree with him on more than one issue that he discusses.

To conclude, whether you're on the right, or the left of politics, this book can be enjoyed by all, and Mr. Franken even writes in his book that even though people on the right may not like him, they can still write to him. Sit down, read a bit, laugh a bit at the humor of American politics, and I think you will find that everything is slightly better off then it seems. Especially when you consider how far we have come, and yet, how much farther we have yet to go.

Title: Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Author: Al Franken
Review by: CL3 The Green Knight
