The Book of Ti'ana by Rand Miller is a Science Fiction novel showcased in the Outpost 10F Library.
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The Book of Ti'ana

Rating: The Science Fiction novel The Book of Ti'ana by Rand Miller has been rated 5/5 by this reviewer.
Series: Myst #2
Author: Rand Miller
Published: 1996
Review by: CL4 Willyum

The Book of Ti'ana is the second book in the Myst Series. The story is about Ti'ana, grandmother of Atrus. She was referred to in The Book of Atrus as Anna. You will continue to learn more about the legend as you read through the book. It takes place during the time when the D'ni culture was around.

This book starts out with nothing but walking abd talking, but it picks up soon after. A man named Aitrus (who I believe strongly is Gehn's father) is part of an excavation team that is drilling tunnels into a large rock. A young guildsman named Efanis dies because of a drilling accident. Because Aitrus was a good friend of his, he is left emotionally torn. Then Master Geran dies as a result of an earthquake within the rock and Aitrus becomes friends with Veovis.

In Part Two, Anna is brought into the story. She is eighteen years old at the time and an auburn haired beauty. She lives a hard life in the desert with her father. Her mother died years ago. Then she is emotionally crushed when her father dies. Soon after, she wanders into a crack in the ground, thinking it a tomb of a great emperor. In reality, it is the underground realm of the D'ni. Assuming the worst, the D'ni capture and interrogate her. Her intelligence surprises the D'ni because of her young age. What is even more surprising to them is that she is a foreigner, yet she speaks D'ni! The case is brought before the council. Some think she is innocent, others think she is a disaster waiting to happen. Later on, the council decides to let her stay with them.

Aitrus becomes attracted to Anna, marries her, and wishes to teach her more about the D'ni. When Veovis finds out, however, he becomes infuriated because Aitrus is teaching an "outsider" the ways of the D'ni. Veovis threatens to take this to the council, creating a problem. It is against the D'ni code to marry someone that is not of D'ni blood. Even if they get around this obstacle and marry, how will the D'ni be affected by it? Findout by reading the book! More problems happen later in the book, but I won't give them away.

I thought this book was superb, just like the lastone. The beginning was a little slow, but after that, it picked up fast. The problems that kept occurring kept my interest up while reading. The book is definitely one to read. Therefore, I give this one a rating of "5".

Title: The Book of Ti'ana
Author: Rand Miller
Series: Myst #2
Review by: CL4 Willyum
