Synopsis: A bug asteroid, containing an invasion force of bugs, crashes on Mars a few years before the movie. All the bugs are dead. The young Terran Federation sends out a team to the bug homeworld Klendathu, to investigate these strange new arachnid life-forms. One of the members of that team is a young Rasczak! All seems to go just fine, until team-leader Seine decides to land on Klendathu. Then...all the trouble begins and it becomes a struggle to get off Klendathu. Review: Woow! This comic rocks! It has the same kind of bug-rush as the movie. The characters are great; you actually feel sorry for them when they die. But one person is certain to survive: Rasczak. He is one of the very few survivors, although he loses his arm (and that solves the mystery how he lost his arm). The art is good, very nice, very clear and no difficult pictures. It looks a bit like a screenplay for a movie.
Review: I gave it 1 star for the effort. The story sucks. Why the Hell would Rasczak go into the bug quarantine-zone, it just doesn't make sense. But it was a nice thought, the attack on Dantana is mentioned in the movie as a short newsflash, but that wasn't enough to base a story on. Ohw, and the art is horrible.
Review: This is a very short, but nice version of the movie. It has the same characters, bugs, ships etc. They all look like they came from the movie, except for the characters. They all look quite different from the actors, only Lt. Rasczak looks like Michael Ironside. This comic also has good and not to difficult art. You can easily see what's happening on a panel. This is a worthy movie-comic.
Title: Starship Troopers: The Comic |