The Kobayashi Maru by Julia Ecklar is a Star Trek novel showcased in the Outpost 10F Library.
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The Kobayashi Maru

Rating: The Kobayashi Maru by Julia Ecklar is a Star Trek novel rated */5 by this reviewer
Series: The Original Series #47
Author: Julia Ecklar
Review by: Lt. JD

A freak shuttlecraft accident, and suddenly Captain Kirk and most of the senior officers of the Enterprise find themselves adrift in an asteroid field, with no hope of rescue, no chance or repairing their shuttle, or restoring communications, with nothing, in short, but time on their hands. Enough time for each to tell their story about the Koyayashi Maru, the Starfleet command line scenario. Nominally a tactical scenario, the Maru is actually an unbeatable test of character revealed in the choices each man makes, or doesn't make.

The secondary plot's trying to be rescued, not really much, but it works, but the flashbacks really get it! Ecklar really did a good job of adding to the characters pasts. More of a history lesson....

Title: The Kobayashi Maru
Author: Julia Ecklar
Review by: Lt. JD
