Old Friends: the entire Jedi-council, Sebulba and some other podracers, Anakin, Gran Senator Synopsis: Half of the Jedi-Council travel to the exotic world of Malastare to negotiate a piece treaty between two of that planet’s warring factions. But the whole affair is being manipulated by a secret third party out to assassinate the Jedi! Add in the fact that Malastare is one of the few planets to allow the dangerous sport of Podracing. All this brings the Jedi into deep trouble. Review: A short review? Well, you should read this comic yourself. It has a nice story with lots of action (but there’s also one strange thing, the ending? Why should Mace go to Nar Shaddaa to find out where some illegal dogs came from?). the comic is well drawn, but you can notice really good when a different artist continues the comic, so the art is very different. Not the overall must buy/can’t live without it, but a good comic, it’s worth your money it if you want to buy it.
Title: Emissaries to Malastarebr>
Series: |