Old Friends: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda Synopsis: The Uncertain Path is the sequel to Jedi Apprentice #5: The Defenders of the Dead. 13 year old Obi-Wan Kenobi is no longer a Padawan and chose to fight with the Young in their battle againt the Elders. Unfortunately, some devastating events make Obi-Wan's new friends his enemies and he has noone to turn to - Qui-Gon has returned to the Jedi Temple where there is more trouble stirring. Review: Combined with actin and drama, Jedi Apprentice #6: The Uncertain Path, is a good book to read and can pretty much be finished in a single afternoon. The book is packed with action, fighting between the Young and the Elders, a father and daughter, and the drama of loosing someone. Obi-Wan is off fighting a war on the planet Melinda/Daan, learning and feeling the agony of what life is like out in the real world, without the help of his previous Master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Wondering where Qui-Gon is? Well, back at the Temple, Qui-Gon is trying to unravel some very mysterious events. You learn more about the relationship between a Padawan and a Master. Also, we get to meet new characters and learn more about them. Characters such as Cerasi and Neild, two that we met in the previous book, Defenders of the Dead, are explored. The book leaves us with a cliffhanger to the next book in the series.
Title: The Uncertain Path |